Bu ilan yayından kaldırılmıştır.

KTH-Üretim Mühendisi

  • 16.10.2017
  • 100 - 200

İş Tanımı

Otomotiv yan sanayi sektöründe öncü firmalardan olan şirketimizin Tavşanlı/KÜTAHYA lokasyonunda görevlendirilmek üzere ,

Aranan Nitelikler

  • Üniversitelerin Endüstri, Mekatronik, Elektrik-Elektronik, Makine, Kimya, Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği bölümlerinden mezun,  
  • Üretim yönetiminde tecrübeli,
  • İngilizce bilen,
  • İletişimi kuvvetli, takım çalışmasına yatkın,
  • Tavşanlı/KÜTAHYA civarında ikamet eden ya da edebilecek,
  • Askerliğini yapmış veya ilişiği bulunmayan ,
*Üretim Mühendisi* arayışımız bulunmaktadır.

Özet Bilgiler

Benzer İlanlar

MaxVal Buhar Teknolojileri ve Vana San. Tic. A.Ş
Son 1 Ay


Murat Ticaret is “THE WIRING HARNESS COMPANY” serving the automotive industry since 1969...

-Headquarters in Turkey, Murat Ticaret manufactures world-class electrical wiring harnesses, automotive battery cables. and TIER 1 supplier to OEMs. In addition, Murat provides value-added manufacturing services including design and engineering.

-In-house production capability of essential components results in cost savings combined with commitment to quality, fast response time to changes, expertise of the tech requirements and assembly process and having a solution-driven culture, loyal and dedicated workforce gives Murat an advantage to be a preferred supplier over the others in the market.?? With strategically well-picked global locations for manufacturing facilities, warehouses and customer care centers throughout Europe, China, and North America, Murat provides first-class customer service by being in the same time zone.

-Every customer is unique and needs special attention. Murat proudly provides this service by dedicating “key account specialists” for each and every customer worldwide to work closely with the customer’s daily questions, comments and requests 7/24.

''Murat also offers resident engineer support when needed. Our customer’s success is our goal!''

Our Mission;

  • To deliver superior value to our customers.
  • To create growth and development opportunities and a safe work environment for our employees.
  • To generate profitable growth with continuous improvement.
Our Vision;
  • To be the premier provider of superior service to OEMs through a fast responsive and solution-driven culture built on the relentless pursuit of perfection, operational excellence, continuous improvement, and an uncompromising commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and employee safety.
Our Core Values;
  • Honesty & Trust
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Reliability
  • Loyalty
  • Teamwork
  • Transparency
  • Commitment to improvements
  • Productivity & Efficiency
  • Commitment to quality
  • Responsibility to environment and community

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